Here we go.....
Transfer was saturday. We had 6 embies make it to blast and transferred 3 and froze the other 3. The embryologist said they all looked so good that he had a hard time ranking them. After the transfer Dr. G said "now don't go having triplets now" and we were like now you tell us. As if! We will be lucky if one decides to stick around.
I went in today for E2 and progesterone and they want me to take Estrace.....Amy thinks that is the drug that made her crazy. Let's hope I have better luck. I am already out of my mind as it is.
I am out of work until monday...wanted to stay home and is really crazy right now so I didn't want the extra stress.
Beta is next thursday...wish me luck!
Definitely wishing you good luck!
3 blasts and 3 frozen sounds awesome. Take care!
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